it’s finally time to tell your story

book coaching

You had dreams of being a writer. Maybe even some early success. A couple of short stories or essays published. A messy first draft of a novel or memoir. Momentum.

Then life happened. A demanding job. Children to care for. Or elderly parents. Or both.

Maybe your child is now a young adult, but has special needs that will require lifelong help.  

Your writing life fell by the wayside. You tell yourself you’ll get back to it someday. But someday keeps getting pushed to the back of the line.

So you convince yourself that your story doesn’t really matter, anyway.

But there's a voice inside you, maybe just a whisper, that tells you your story does matter.

That's where I come in.

I'm a writer and Author Accelerator-certified book coach dedicated to helping women write their novel or memoir.

I believe your story matters.

And together we can get your dream onto the page.

Writing can be hard. It takes planning, perseverance, and a willingness to trust the process.

Writing is also a joy. It's where I feel most like myself.  I have a hunch you feel the same way.

 I don't promise that by working with me you'll land an agent or find yourself on the bestseller list.  If anyone promises such a thing, run in the opposite direction. The outcome is never guaranteed. 

But: I promise to take you and your work seriously. To give detailed and constructive feedback; always remembering that you are in charge of your story.

I don't offer tough love–a term I despise. I offer rigor, compassion, experience, and my knowledge of the ever-changing publishing landscape.

So whether you’ve got notes scribbled on the back of an envelope or are ready to pull that novel or memoir draft from the desk drawer, I’m here to offer guidance and support.

Let’s get back to work!

Book Coaching services

JUMPstart your story

Not sure if your novel or memoir idea is built for the long haul? Author Accelerator’s mini blueprint tool walks you through a short series of questions that help you discover the heart of your story–and why you feel compelled to write it. You’ll get clarity on your structure, plot, major conflict, timeline, and ideal reader before you begin writing. You’ll even draft the dream (and nightmare!) review of your book as you imagine it on a bookstore shelf.

You’ll fill out the blueprint and I’ll offer feedback in a 1-2 page editorial letter. Then we’ll have a 45-minute coaching call to go over your answers and discuss the next steps on your writing journey. It’s a great way to jumpstart your writing practice and to see if I’m the right coach for you.

Cost: $175

ongoing coaching

Need accountability, feedback, and support throughout the process of writing your novel or memoir?

With monthly ongoing coaching, I will be there to help you overcome roadblocks, work through frustrations and celebrate the small–and not so small–wins along the way.

Book coaching is more than editing, though you’ll get line edits on your pages, too. As your book coach, I’ll be your advocate, storyline sherpa, and character caddy all rolled into one.

Will it be fun? You bet.

Will it be challenging? Also yes.

Will I always offer honest feedback with the sole aim of serving your story? Absolutely!

In this coaching package, you’ll turn in up to 30 pages per monthly deadline. I’ll provide inline feedback focused on those first-draft essentials, and we’ll have a 45-minute coaching call to set you up for the next round of work.

Cost: $225
(per month, with a minimum three-month commitment)

Manuscript Evaluation

A manuscript evaluation is laser-focused on the fundamentals of a successful novel or memoir. When analyzing your work, I’ll be asking questions like:

  • Does the main character–that’s you in a memoir–have a clear goal and something or someone standing in their way?

  • Is there enough at stake to keep the reader invested in the novel or memoir?

  • Is there narrative drive with each event logically linked to the next?

  • Is there internal as well as external conflict?

  • Does the novel or memoir start at the right place; avoiding info dumps without leaving readers confused about what’s happening?

  • Are there subplots or secondary characters that add nothing to the story?

  • Is there an emotional payoff at the end; a resolution that will satisfy the reader?

What’s included:

-An editorial letter that hones in on the structural issues that need to be addressed as well as everything that’s working in the manuscript.

–Detailed line edits with questions, comments, and smiling-face emojis on every page (there’s always something great on every page).

–Clear, actionable next steps.

–A one-hour Zoom to discuss all of the above.

Cost: $525
(up to 85,000 words)


  • Jen was so easy to work with. She laid out the plan clearly, hit all her deadlines with me, was flexible, and had that rare quality of being easy-going but totally on task. When it came time for comments on my work, she probed all the right weak spots and asked the kind of questions that helped me think deeper about what changes to my character and plot could move my novel forward. Her comments were kind but so on-target

    Marcia A.

  • Jen's editorial revisions were smart and lent greater clarity to my work, while her feedback in conversation demonstrated a close reading of my work. She was organized and communicative throughout the process, met milestones on time, and came to our meeting well-prepared. What's more, Jen's insights prompted me to undertake further revisions that ultimately led the book in the direction it needed to go.

    Samie F.


  • My primary focus is women’s fiction, upmarket fiction, and memoir. But I also coach cozy mysteries and historical fiction. I don’t coach romance, thrillers, horror, or fantasy, though if your novel has some speculative elements, as in Jessamine Chan’s The School for Good Mothers, let’s talk.

  • Yes, I do. I can work with you to figure out what story you want to tell, why you want to tell it, and what you want your readers to take away from your novel or memoir. We’ll dig into point of view, narrative drive, the main character’s arc of change–all the fun stuff that will become crystal clear as we move forward. I’ll provide resources when needed, pep talks when requested, and constructive feedback always. And gentle nudging, too, because I know how much your story matters.

  • Not sure if your multiple POVs are distinctive enough? Stuck in the muddy middle of your plot? Need clarity on how to write about a thorny issue in your memoir? I can help you talk it through so you can get back to work!

    Cost: $75/hr.

  • I can help you put together a pitch package, which includes a synopsis, query letter and often a proposal–especially for memoir. But I don't guarantee you'll get an agent. No reputable book coach will. We can also explore other options, such as small presses and university presses which allow you to submit your manuscript without having agent representation.

it’s finally time to tell your story